May 23Liked by Mary Ann

Loved so many things in this. Particularly the Yaz song. I have a couple of Yaz albums from the old days. Mutual pinging. I like that. A friend once told me that she liked to keep her finger on the pulse of my life and I think that’s very similar to mutual pinging.

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Thanks, Chris. I know your sweet poodle was a great part of your day to day.

LOVE YAZ! Many fun memories of that time. You got a good friend(s). They like to stick around and ping/relate.

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May 28Liked by Mary Ann

I always enjoy listening to your voice tell the quick little snip-its of your day.

I would love it if you could tell us more about your family and what your favorite things were as a kid.

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I have thought of doing this before and wasn't sure how to do it. So, I'll just do it anyway and not worry about how to do it. Thanks for suggestion!

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thought once your voice might be the key to unlocking the mystery of how your brain/sensibility forms these narratives and so difuse of events sad (your dog) hopeful (community, connection) also dreamy (the dj longing, singing and in key too!) dreamy for the tonal sonar stuff too

thanks mary anne 🙏

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Ooh- sad, dreamy, hopeful, and can sing on key--- love this summation!! Thank you, Appleton. Have you considered reading your writing sometime?

Really appreciate your commenting : )

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god no

what i just wrote the sheer length of it would exhaust not only me but countless others 🥸👻

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sounds fascinating

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