I love this so much.

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Made my day, thanks Rebecca!

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Mary Ann

What a beautiful tribute and timely reminder that people can be so lovely; thank you for sharing.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Author

Thank you! I agree, nice to be reminded of the lovely ones- glad I found the photos buried in a box under boxes.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Liked by Mary Ann

Wonderful. You were lucky kids to know them.

Judging from our family's photos, all my uncles and aunts had more fun than me, my sibs and my cousins. They were more interesting too. I mean I asked my aunt/godmother who was the best man at her wedding, and she said "I'm not sure. We knew him from the local bar. Everybody called him "Spider."

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You know I think I agree with you! Seems like people were a little wilder than we are sometimes led to believe.

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Way cool.

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Such an outdoorsy bunch!

Love the pic of "the dames".

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Yes, super outdoorsy!

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Mary Ann

Loved this! I remember well my grandmother’s wash house and the wringer washer. And the mangle. Did many loads of wash standing on the cool concrete floor and smelling dust and soap and bleach.

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Oh great visuals and smells- thank you for sharing! The wringer washer was so impressive.

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Thank you for this reminder of past loved ones and all of their beautiful idiosyncrasies!

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Wonderful. I love your having loved their voices, "the fluttering tones of high and low pitches." My spouse's voice is among the first things that attracted me to her. And I'm often dumbfounded by how flat and ordinary and unmodulated and LOUD some voices sound today.

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When I really tried to remember Loretta, it was the sound of her voice that came to me. I'm really into the sound of someone's voice also.

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I absolutely loved reading about Vint and Loretta, thank you so much for sharing their story. They sounded like a hell of a lot of fun! I'm so glad they found each other, they seemed absolutely delighted in one another.

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They really were delighted in one another, and it's pretty cool to see this and know how it looks, or one way it can look.

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I can only imagine how much they influenced you and your family, with their effervescence and loving spirits. I'm glad you got to see true love up close.

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Thanks, me too!

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In my grandma's house we found a box of old photos with no notes or anything on the back. They are interesting pictures but we have lost all context. Glad to see your connection to your past.

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I am nearly the last remaining and I have ALL the photos. Piles of them. This was just a very small sampling! I remember the older ones telling me who was who but now they are gone.

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